About Me
My name is Bob Caine. I am enjoying my retirement. After I retired, I had a need to supplement my income. I had played with Internet Marketing before I retired but it was just that playing. I never made more than a few dollars and spent much, much more. Once I retired and had to live on a fixed income, I needed to be careful how I spent my money. More importantly, I had to quit 'playing' at Internet Marketing and make it into a business. "Look out internet, here I come!"
It's simple, right? Just ads for products that people need and they will buy. As many of you know and I learned, it is not that simple. I knew there wasn't an easy button. I knew you had to put in effort and I knew some money was required. What I didn't know was how difficult it was to make a sale.
I tried this tool and that tool. They all made promises of one kind or another. These all may have been true but I never gave them a chance. If I didn't make money in a week or two, I was on to the next shiny object. So the biggest thing I had to learn was patience. It takes time to put together an advertising campaign. By just using the sales pages provided by product developers, I was greatly limiting my chances.
I have read, several places, that an individual needs to see an internet ad 7 times before they will buy.

The "Freebie Fanatic" with Discounts & Bonuses

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